ABQ Circus Arts

Expanding Possibilities Through Circus

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Guest Workshop: Story Telling with Melissa Coffey

“In every moment of your performance, you should be able to extract a still frame and upon seeing that frame, the viewer can tell you the story. That is using your body to tell a story.”

Melissa believes that we must share our humanity with our lives and art in order to educate others and exist in community. Find your storylines that resonate with you and your audience and be able to choreograph from them, or flavor your existing sequences. Learn to add and effectively convey story arcs to your aerial and movement disciplines! This class is full of easily absorbed exercises that will level up your performance and abilities to tell your story immediately! You can use any apparatus for this workshop, or work with flow skills and object manipulation on the ground. This is an all levels class, but you should be able to work with your apparatus for 3 minutes at a time.

$40 for one workshop
$70 for two workshops
$90 for three workshops

Earlier Event: June 21
Aerial Rope with Ilana